Two Days at Sea with Lily Chin

Two more days of classes and chats with Lily Chin – including Japanese short rows:

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Who doesn’t like to learn a new technique? Can’t wait to try this on socks or shoulders. By the end of our two days at sea, we’ve measured every body part, decided who has a waist, sketched our body shapes, and adopted the term “Lily-Swatch” (its big).

This is my 11th day away from home – I figured that by now, if going on a long cruise was a poor choice, I’d know. Turns out that I quite like cruising, and my cabin-mate was an excellent choice…we’re very compatible travellers :o)

On our way to Korea, we spot an island that is a popular vacation destination for Koreans:

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Don’t ask me why I was so comfortable on board the day we docked at Inchon, Korea, but I just wanted to chill out. I nibbled & knitted in the buffet until pretty much all the passengers had gone ashore. Then I took a swim, a sauna, a soak in the hot tub. I broke out the Christmas Cake I smuggled on board, and we had a mighty fine afternoon tea plus a couple of hands of cribbage. I may have missed Seoul, but I had a good day.

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One Response to “Two Days at Sea with Lily Chin”

  1. Purpleworms Says:

    That is a fantastic shot of the island!! Good job!

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